Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Illustrator Excercise 1

This is the Illustrator icon GIF drawing.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Monday, February 9, 2009

Original Pictures

These are the original photos i chose to work with. I thought they would make a more interesting image when pasted together.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Gregory Crewdson, Teun Hocks, Jeff Wall, and Cindy Sherman

The works of Gregory Crewdson were unlike any photographs I had ever seen before. He managed to create an erie feeling while using color photos and lonesome figures. I enjoyed his artwork because it was anything but boring; I consider any work that evokes emotion art, so Gregory Crewdson's photos are definitely pieces of art. 

Teun Hocks is one of the many artists I was so glad to be introduced to. His art is humorous, but original. Sometimes I begin to think that art is repetitive, but Teun Hocks definitely brought something completely new to the table. The way he paints on canvas and inserts his figure into various settings is funny, but is also successful in making a statement. 

I did not enjoy the artwork of Jeff Wall as much as the other artists. There was something about the meticulous set up of the scenes that made them seem almost unreal. I think there is something special about photos taken of a scene that the artist just came across and experienced. Everything in our modern day life is pre planned enough, and I just don't see the need to set up a scene when there is so much set up by nature and mankind by accident just waiting to be discovered.

I loved the works of Cindy Sherman mostly because I love looking at portraits. It is one thing I kind of wish I had the courage to do. She never fails to capture the feeling of the subject (usually herself) in the appropriate setting. Her photos don't seem as planned out as Jeff Wall's and the everyday feeling is something that adds to the photos. It is the figures that take the stage, not the background.