Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dia: Beacon

I really enjoyed the trip to Dia: Beacon because it was nothing like I had expected. All of the artworks in the museum were amazing, but I especially enjoyed the sculptures by John Chamberlain. They were not only large in size, but they had a definite presence because you had to walk around, in front, or behind them. This quality was also evident in the work of Richard Serra. His pieces were gigantic but also engaging; walking through them was both scary and intimidating, but I loved it. The trip as a whole was a success because it inspired me.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Final Project- Poem Visualization

In the visualization of my poem, I attempted to convey the message that adults, as well as children, call each other silly names whether it is in their heads or out loud. These names seem childlike, but adults think in these terms as well. This type of vocabulary makes name-calling seem humorous instead of harming and if we all accepted these types of words instead of our usual jargon, the world could be a much happier place. I chose this particular book structure because I wanted it to seem like a book for adults at first glance, but open up to be a more childlike interpretation. 

I created a briefcase for the cover because I wanted it to seem as if it were for adults when in fact it is full of words used by children. I used a tablet and pen to draw sketches on the computer in Illustrator and printed on the Phaser. I had a lot of trouble constructing the book because of the binding and the material. I purchased this fake leather fabric to cover the book in and I figured I could place the staple bound book under the fabric that covered the front and back cover. The pages did not flip correctly, so I cut a slit into the center and slipped the pages into it and hot glued it in place. I then glued more fabric to cover the glue for appearance. I had a lot of trouble with the typefaces as well because they were not available on every computer in the lab. The typefaces I ended up using were Hardwood lp, Bellerose light, and ItcKabel light.