Tuesday, March 17, 2009


This project seemed difficult when I first heard it because I could not think of a way to describe myself in three pictures. When I think about myself, I am overwhelmed with characteristics that I could use to describe myself. I have a lot of different groups of friends of family that I love to spend time with, but sometimes I feel as though I spread myself too thin amongst all of the people and activities I am involved with. I think I live a very hectic life with every moment planned, but I enjoy it that way. Relaxation is important, but too much is just plain boring. I’m always moving, even during Spring Break I managed to pick up 49 hours at the restaurant I work at. I love to be busy, to spend time with everyone, but most days when I finish my work at around 11pm, I’m too exhausted even to sleep. Sometimes I feel guilty for taking time away from my family and boyfriend, but I always seem to tell myself it will get better, maybe during spring break or summer but sure enough, it never does.
I’ve always been fascinated with close-ups because they tell part of he story, but the viewer can never truly understand the whole without looking at everything. I think I want to incorporate this concept into my Self-Visualization project. I will take a lot of close-ups of my body and alter them in Photoshop and Illustrator, then place them like tiles in a large frame. By looking at the small individual pieces, the viewer might not know who or what the figure is. I was thinking of taking this idea even further and arranging the small tiles to make a larger image or symbol, but I’m not sure if this is appropriate for me. I think the random pieces of me arranged next to one another represent me better because I am always in different places thinking about other things.

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